Otesuji Shopping area of Fushimi(伏見の大手筋商店街)

About forty years ago, there were many shopping areas in Japan. They were the center of the local town. There were tailor’s shops, fruit and vegetal shops, fish shops, tofu makers, bakeries, etc. in the place. Most of them were shops under private management. The shopkeepers always waited on every customer in a very pleasant. Many people came and went. They always came to buy their daily food, etc. They often enjoy shopping, strolling, having good communication, and helping each other. Sometimes they had held their festival in a point. The area was bustling with activity all the time.

But recently, they became quiet and sank. Residents moved to the suburbs. Big shopping malls increased new another place. Most shopkeepers were driven out of business, or swallowed by some big supermarkets with a parking lot.
I had regretted the conditions for some time.
But several years ago, I found a nostalgic Shopping area in Fushimi. It names OTESUJI shopping area. It remains good old days.
Of course, there are a big supermarket, chain stores of coffee shops and restaurants, too. There are the branches of all famous banks and credit unions along the road. There are still good shops under private management.

There are a watch store, a furniture store, a tail store, a hardware shop, a flower shop, and etc. The young mother pushes a baby carriage, the aged walks. The area forms the basis of the resident’s life. We can enjoy shopping and strolling through the street.

Nearby there are some sightseeing spots. Sake cellars in Fushimi, Teradaya -the loyalist Ryoma Sakamoto lived in-, the Street of Ryoma, Canal’s Ports –it connected between Kyoto and Osaka-in Edo period, etc.
When I go there, I always feel the air of the old Japanese shopping area.

I hope this place will become a new sightseeing rout with the big famous spots of Kyoto.
We can go there byKeihan Line: Fuhsimi Momoyama, Kintetsu Line: Momoyama Goryomae, JR Line: Momoyama station.











Shigeki Uebayashiのアバター Shigeki Uebayashi 鴨川の長老 コンサルタント

Elder of the kamogawa.